Sunday, 24 August 2014
Saturday, 23 August 2014
A short story of an Emo
"One miserable rainy night, a man named Mark decided to end his life. In his mid-fifties, Mark had never been married, had never experienced the joy of having children or spending holidays with his family. Both his parents had been dead for seven years. He had a sister but had lost contact with her. He held a menial job that left him unfulfilled. Wet and unhappy, he walked the streets, feeling as if there was nobody in the world that cared if he lived or died. On that same soggy night, I was sitting in my room watching the rain hit my window. I was six years old, and my life revolved around my Star Wars action figure collection. I was dreaming of the day when I'd have earned enough money to add Darth Vader to my new collector's case. To help me make money, my father paid me to jog with him. Everyday, at seven o'clock, we jogged together. And every day, I was fifty cents closer to getting Darth Vader. When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped from my chair and raced out of my room to the top of the steps. My mother was already at the door. Opening it, she found herself face-to-face with a very disheveled-looking man with tears streaming down his face. My mother, overcome by pity, invited the man inside, and he sat with my parents in our living room. Curious, I snuck downstairs so that I could get a better look. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but the sight of the rumpled man, holding his head in his hands and crying, made my chest ache. I raced back upstairs to my room and stuck my hand into my money jar. Pulling out the Kennedy half-dollar I had earned that day, I ran back downstairs. When I reached the door of the living room, I walked right in. The three adults looked at me in surprise as I quickly made my way over to the stranger, I put the half-dollar in his hand and told him that I wanted him to have it. Then I gave him a hug and turned and ran as fast as I could out of the room and back up the stairs. I felt embarrassed but happy. Downstairs, Mark sat quietly with his head bowed. Tears streamed down his face as he tightly clutched that coin. Finally looking up at my parents, he said, "It's just that I thought nobody cared. For the last twenty years, I have been so alone. That was the first hug I have gotten in -- I don't know how long. It's hard to believe that somebody cares." Mark's life changed that night. When he left our house, he was ready to live instead of die. Although my family never saw Mark again, we received letters from him every once in a while, letting us know that he was doing fine. Being a six-year-old kid, I hadn't thought about what I was doing that night. I had just reacted to the sight of someone else's pain. On our morning jogs, my dad and I had talked about the importance of giving, but I hadn't had any idea of what it really meant. My life changed that night, too, as I witnessed the true healing power of giving. Even if it's only a gift of fifty cents. Before Mark left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Mark said that as he'd walked the streets that rainy night, hopeless and ready to die, he had noticed a bumper sticker on a car. He'd stood in the driveway and wondered about the people who lived in the house where the car was parked. Then, in a fog of unhappiness, he had made his way to the front door. It's hard to imagine that a bumper sticker and fifty cents could change two people's lives, but somehow they did. The bumper sticker on our car read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU."
~Wil Horneff
Friday, 22 August 2014
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Emo Love Story
“Hey! Emo girl!” a guy in the hallway yelled, jumping out in front of me. I dodged him and kept walking, listening to Daggers Speak Louder Than Words by Alesana on my iPod. I had a lot of music on there, mostly by Alesana. I have OAD, which to me means Obsessive Alesana Disorder. OK I’m getting off-topic and that’s not the point.
When I got to my eighth-period class, Reading, I grabbed a book, stuffed my iPod in my bag, and took a seat in the back. People stared at me and snickered.
“Hey, are you supposed to be here?” the teacher asked me. I nodded and brought my schedule up to her. She took it, looked at it for a moment, and handed it back to me. I walked back to my desk.
I was too busy putting my schedule in my binder I didn’t see this one girl’s foot poke out in the middle of the walkway. Of course, I wiped out. People laughed.
“Ha ha, emo girl!” the girl said.
“Hey, Ms. Bufton! You should give that girl a Wing. That was a good one!” a boy in the front yelled. I gathered up my stuff and ran to the back of the room.
At the end of the day, I walked home in the pouring rain. I lived in Oregon so it rained 24/7, 365 days a year, 366 days on leap years. I turned my iPod up to full blast and sang along to Suicide Season by Bring Me The Horizon. They’re another screamo band. I guess I didn’t mention that Alesana is a screamo band.
People stared at me and I walked down the sidewalk. I guess I did look kind of stupid, seeing as how I suck at screamo.
The song ended, so I took my iPod out of my pocket to choose another song. While doing that, I bumped into someone. Figuring it was another person getting ready to hate on me, I got up off the ground and started to walk past him.
Oh my gosh, I thought, as I stared at him, dead in my tracks. He was the most gorgeous emo boy I’ve ever seen!
“Sorry about that, my bad,” I said, looking down at my neon green and black Converse because I was sure that I was blushing.
“No problem. I’m Damien. What’s your name?” he asked me, picking my iPod up from the ground and handing it to me.
“I’m Erickka.”
“Cool name. Nice shirt, too. Dashboard Confessional is a good band. I like the song Vindicated. ‘Vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong, I am right, I swear I’m right, swear I knew it all along,’”
“I love that song. Hey what school do you go to?”
“Reynolds High. What about you?”
“H. B. Lee.”
“Nice. Wanna walk?” he asked, putting his arm around my shoulders. I nodded, blushing again.
“Emo kid!” someone yelled, standing up in the backseat of a convertible that was driving by.
“Ugh, I’ve been getting that all day. Someone in eighth period tripped me, and in ninth period, FACS class, someone dumped cookie dough all over my favorite hoodie, which is why I’m walking down the street in the pouring down rain in a tee shirt. He laughed.
We walked for about 20 minutes, until we reached my house.
“Can I have your number?” he asked, taking out his cell phone. I gave my number to him, then he handed me his phone so I could take a picture of myself to put with the number. We said goodbye, and I walked in my house.
“H. B. Lee is full of preppy kids who hate emo kids,” I told my step-mom and went to my room. I looked around at all the boxes that I needed to unpack, turned my iPod on, and opened a box up. It had all my composition books I’ve kept since I was 12 (I’m 14 now), which had poetry, music (bands I’ve written down to add to my iPod) and lyrics to some of my favorite songs. I put the composition books on my shelf and took the box apart and put it in my closet. I picked up the next box, and I heard knocking on my window, dropping it, I looked up. It was Damien.
“What the freak? You scared the crap out of me!” I exclaimed, opening my window.
He laughed. “My friend is having a party, and told me I can bring anyone. Do you want to go?”
“Uh, yeah!” I said.
“Cool. We’re going to be driving there so I hope you trust a seventeen-year-old behind the wheel. Don’t worry I have my license.” He held it up.
“You look hot in that picture,” I said.
“Damien, you never told me that there would be drinking at this party. You know what, screw it I’m not even going to let you drive me home, because you’re as drunk as a horse.”
“No I’m not, I’m just buzzed,” he said, tripping over the flat ground.
“Uh-huh, sure. My parents would kill me if I were in a car with a 17-year-old who is drunk. Look, I don’t have anything against you,” I said, helping him up.
“Look, Erickka, I really do like you. And I know you like me too,” he said sympathetically, “So trust me.”
“Slow… Down… Before you get us killed. What are you, suicidal or something?” I yelled. About 100 yards in front of us was the railroad tracks. He sped towards them, trying to beat the Union Pacific train that was coming down the tracks.
“You’re not going to beat the train, Damien. The train always wins. Always.”
“Okay, you know what, you drive,” he yelled, stopping in the middle of the railroad tracks. The train was about 300 yards away, coming at 55 miles an hour it looked like.
“You moron! You are trying to kill me, aren’t you?”
“No, oh my God, we’re screwed,” he yelled, finally realizing what he was doing. He floored the gas but ended up running into the bar that’s supposed to keep cars from getting hit by the train. He cursed under his breath.
I jumped out of the car and ran over to Damien’s side.
“I’m not getting out. Go. If you try to get me out then we’ll both get killed. Something’s wrong with my seat belt, sometimes it gets stuck and you have to pry it open—“ he was cut off by the trains whistle.
“I’m not just going to leave you here, Damien!” I yelled over the train, which was 100 yards away now.
“If you don’t get out of the way I will never forgive myself. Just go. Don’t worry about me,” he said, looking me in the eyes. I hugged him tight, and jumped back when the train blew its whistle again.
The train was fifty feet away. “GO!” he yelled. Trying to hold the tears back, I jumped over the bar as the train comes thundering by, smashing the car, and killing Damien. A piece of sharp metal flew out from under the train, almost hitting me.
I burst out crying and couldn’t stop for two hours. Once I was done, I reached into my coat pocket for my cell phone, but I found a folded up piece of paper instead. I took it out and unfolded it.
“Ericka, I’m very sorry for what happened. I never meant it to be like this, this was supposed to be a fun night. Sorry if you can’t read it, if this note is messy, I just wrote it really fast while you were busy yelling at me. But I really, really like you and always will. And I hope some day we’ll get to see each other again. I didn’t know this was going to happen. I just wrote it incase something did happen but hoping that it wouldn’t. I’ll miss you. From: XxXdamienXxX.
I folded and opened the note about a million times before it finally hit me. He didn’t even try to get out of the car. I should have pulled him out. He’s dead because of me. I started crying again, not sure of what I was supposed to do. I found my cell phone and noticed that it was 11 o’clock at night. I did really like Damien, and now he’s gone. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know if I was dreaming or not, but I didn’t feel like pinching myself or kicking myself, like a lot of people I know do.
Instead, I picked up the piece of metal that had landed next to me, closed my eyes, and stabbed it into my chest.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Monday, 4 August 2014
Sunday, 3 August 2014
How to become Goth, Punk and Emo
Goth, Punk and emo are all very different things. Goths see beauty in darkness and in things that normal people would usually find ugly, strange or weird, Punks are more
about politics and rebellion and emo is about listening to emocore (or sometimes known as emotive hardcore) and being emotive and creative.
1.) Learn about the subculture you want to be part of . You cannot be all three otherwise you will just be alternative. Of course you cannot just be something you're not and you cannot just "turn" Goth, you realize or grow naturally in to the subculture. Same with Punk and emo. Do lots of research and see which one fits you better.2.) After you've chosen which subculture you seem to fit with, look on Google images for looks . If you walk in to school the next day wearing platform boots and fishnets after being preppy the day before you'll be seen as a complete poseur. Don't do the transformation over night otherwise you'll look like a poser, the summerholidays is a good time.
Punk clothing may include tartan, coloured
fishnets and choppy looking clothes with
band logos on the front. Leather may go wellwith boys. Boots which include doc martens or simple platform boots may go well too.
(Trad) Goth clothing may include fishnets, dark clothing, accessories which include spikes, chains and studs, black boots or Platforms.
Emo clothing includes flat shoes (converse
or vans), sweaters, band shirts, any type of
trousers (which tend to be blue or black) and a messenger bag which carries your diary and pencils.
3.) Get a emo, Goth or Punk hairstyle .
Goth. You do not need to dye your hair if you don't want to. If your hair is blonde, leave it blonde. Some people just prefer to go traditional and if you have black hair then it goes with any outfit you wear.
Punk. Punks are mostly recognized by their
hairstyle. You may see Punks with liberty
spikes or simply mohawks. They also often
wear black. Again, don't think you have to
get a mohawk to be punk. But some of them
may go for a similar style. If you decide to
you could dye it a bright unusual colour
(most Death rockers dye their hair black and you might be confused as a Goth) but it's your choice.
Emo. You do not have to have a certain
hairstyle to be emo. Feel free to have any
hair style you want but just not backcombed because people will think you're scene and scene and emo are two completely different things.
4.) Make friends with goths, punks and emos (be careful with the emos, most of them tend to be fake) most of all but also make friends with other people . You don't want to form a clique.Be polite to everyone because if you're nasty they may get the impression all Goths, Punks and emos are all nasty and stuck-up. If someone offends you don't swear at them back, just use logic.
5.) Don't fall into the trap of thinking that because you have a dark appearance, you should listen to whoever stereotypes you as sad, evil or non-conformist . Just be kind to people and you will feel more accepted in difference social groups.
6.) Keep a positive attitude . Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Be happy if someone says you're a freak (isn't everyone?). Don't make false accusations. Help people in need - even if you can't stand them!
7.)If anyone says you are not normal, either walk away or retaliate with "Who defines normal ?"
8.) Don't be violent, physically or mentally . Mental violence can be even worse than physical violence. Don't say anything that is intended to hurt or offend someone, as they may take it very seriously.
9.) Don't give in to bullies . If they try to put you down:
Ignore them
Walk away
Stick with friends. This makes them much
less confident.
10.) Goth, Punk and emo are all about being
creative. So find a hobby, it could be making your own clothes (you'll look unique), making candles, collecting animal bones, writing, reading, painting, playing an instrument,listening to music or just about anything, really.
11.) Find emo, punk or goth music . Listening to emo, punk or goth music is very important and you must at least enjoy a decent portion of it otherwise what makes you different from all the other people who wear eyeliner and fishnets? Understanding music genres is important and do not label a band 'emo' because you're not sure of the genre.
Goth music. Goth music is mainly underground. Try Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cure, Faith and the Muse,
Sisters of Mercy, Creature Feature, Faith and the Muse, Christian Death, Alien Sex Fiend, Type O Negative, the Misfits, Samhain, A Pale Horse Named Death, Cradle of Filth, Killing Joke, The Cult, Clan of Xymox, Switchblade Symphony and Sopor Aeternus, Epica, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Wintersun, MaYaN, After Forever, My Dying Bride, Katatonia, Therion, Dethklok.
Punk music. As well as Goth, you'll find
Punk music underground too. Try The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Exploited, Bad Brains, Bad Religion, NoFX, Minor Threat, The Adicts, Black Flag, AFI (old), Title Fight, 4- Skins, Siouxsie & the Banshees, the Misfits, Balzac, Alkaline Trio, Guttermouth, Anti- Flag, The Descendents, Green Day
(especially older stuff), Clit 45, The
Casualties, The Business, UK Subs, Against
Me!, etc.
Emo music. There are many types of emo.
Maybe try old-school like Rites of Spring,
American Football, Jimmy Eat World, Sunny Day Real Estate, Embrace, The Hated, I Hate Myself, Indian Summer, Drive Like Jehu, etc. You could also modern emo, like Dashboard Confessional, the Get-Up Kids, the Saddest Landscape, Senses Fail, Snowing, Brand New or Circle Takes the Square.
12.) Have fun, don't think it as a chore. It's who youare and if you're not any of them don't fret because you may not naturally belong to any subculture.
Saturday, 2 August 2014
How to dress up like an emo girl
1.)Start with hair : Get it professionally layered with side or long bangs that cover your eyes. You can tease it, and straighten it
of course. Most emo girls dye their hair a lot. The most common colors are black or bleach blond. If you're scared to start out
that wild but you're curious to try it buy simple 4-6 week hair color from Ulta or Hot Topic but, the best hair dye is from Manic Panic. You'll need some hairspray and other styling products to create a look you like. Remember, its your hair, make it unique. You can flip your bangs if you want.
2.) Get the Makeup: The emo look concentrates on the eyes. Use a thick layer of eye-liner on the top of the lid, and under the lash line on the bottom of your eyes.
Use dark eye shadows to create a darker coloring around the eye. You can use a foundation two shades lighter than normal skin tone for your face. BUT, as a word of caution, pale faces are a characteristic of
3.)Get a good assortment of clothes : Skinny jeans and band t-shirts will make up
most of your outfits. Try to get them directly from the bands' web store or from District Lines because they give more money to the band. Some good clothing
brands are Criminal Damage, Iron Fist, Hell Bunny,Or Green day and Poison Industries. Hot Topic takes a large cut from the sales, giving the bands less money.
The jeans can be found at Old Navy, Forever 21,Hot Topic, Pacsun, and Macy's. Its best to get black or any other dark color skinny jeans...Boy or girl. You can wear plain black hoodies or band hoodies when you get cold. If you live in somewhere with snow, those puffy jackets are appropriate.
4.)Get the basic shoes: The classic black and white or black high-top Converse always work. Also black slip-ons or classic era
Vans in dark colors are great. You can look at other wiki hows on how to customize them. This canbe as simple as writing
things with white-out like your favorite band lyrics or you could just add neon laces. Lately,also, colorful Nike's have been worn by thebravest emos.
5.) Accessories : Hair bows, wristbands, jelly bracelets, black and white/silver studded belts, neon shoelaces, band pins, safety pins, bands, grenades, guns, brass
Friday, 1 August 2014
A gifted teenager may have committed suicide after being bullied for his love of the controversial goth-style music emo, his family said today.
Sam Leeson, 13, who wore black clothes and was a follower of the darkly emotional rock, was found hanging dead in his room in Gloucester last Thursday.
His relatives say he was targeted because of his “alternative dress” and involvement with the emo scene and that the bullying may have extended to the internet.
Emo music, described as “punk with emotion”, has been made popular by bands like My Chemical Romance whose album The Black Parade topped the charts.
Sam’s mother, Sally Cope said her son was a “huge” music fan with a taste for emo-style bands as well as rockers The Foo Fighters.
She told the Gloucester Citizen: “He was into his appearance and often wore his black skinny jeans.
He was an alternative dresser and I think other teenagers did use to make comments about that.
“He was quite quiet and very thoughtful but he also had a lot of friends and we have been overwhelmed by the amount of people who have sent cards and left flowers and messages at the school.”
She added: “He was such a loving boy. We all loved him very much and he was always telling us how much he loved us.
“We have a big family but he was very close to us all. He loved being an an uncle to his nephew Sidney. We just can’t believe what has happened.”
His oldest sister Emma, 22, said: “We saw him as always happy and smiling but we now think there has been some name calling about the whole emo thing. We know some bullying has been going on and we are disgusted and angry about it.
“We do not want to attack the school as they have been very good but we are very upset it has come to this.”
Ms Cope, from Tredworth, called for social networking sites like Bebo – where Sam was a member – to be more heavily vetted for malicious comments.
She said: “I’m not sure what influence these sites have but if they are a method of expressing things maybe they should be checked more.
“If there is anything that can come from this utterly pointless death of a lovely boy we want to try and help. Whether it is a campaign or a just some way of helping people to speak out. We want to help the quiet ones who are perhaps suffering and no-one knows so this tragedy doesn’t happen to another family.”
Peter Rowland, headteacher at Severn Vale School, Quedgeley, said: “Sam was a popular student in Year 9 and one who was wonderfully creative in his writing and his work. He is a great loss to the Severn Vale School community.”
Yesterday flowers and messages of love were left at the front of the school gates.
Website Emo Corner claims the genre is more a way of life than just a taste in music. Black eyeliner, hair and clothes are the basis of the emo look, with long fringes and tight jeans.
The site explains: “Some say…it is more of a fashion and a way of feeling, hence the emotional.
“Wondering why everyone hates emo? Not all emo people are cry babies or suicidal. Many emo kids come from families which are having serious issues whether it being money issues or what have you.”
Last month the hanging of 13-year-old Hannnah Bond, from Kent, was widely linked with her being a follower of the emo lifestyle.
After her death My Chemical Romance spoke out in defence of the genre saying they were “anti-suicide” and pointing to the positive message in their lyrics.
He leaves behind his parents Ms Cope and Christopher Leeson, as well as six siblings, Emma, Victoria, Thomas, Katie, Rio and Milly. The family said funeral arrangements had yet to be made.
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